Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Geography Project :)

For our last project we had to do the Geography of something that interests us. Recently i have become a new brace-face, and i decided to ' embraces the brace' so i decided to do my project on BRACES!!!
We could present our project any way we wanted, i decided i wanted to present my project in Google Maps, I will link my map at the end of this blog :)
Well i really enjoyed do this project i learned a lot not only on the history of braces but also on the geography of braces.
I hope you like it :)

Geography of Braces Map

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Swim a Mile with a Smile :)

Well tomorrow, our Ty group and the LCVP group in 5th year are going to take part in the charity event Swim a Mile. This event sponsors Barretstown and Crumlin children's hospital. All we have to do is swim, you can can go in groups or on your own and swim as many miles as you can. Ty's take part in this event every year and i have been told that it is great fun and a highlight of TY.
Cant wait to go tomorrow!! I'm planning on swimming half a mile or more ( if i can)!!
wish me luck
Niamh xx

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Last Wednesday i have to say was one of the best days in all of T.Y for me!!
My TY group took part in Braveforce which is kinda like an army bootcamp race! which was organised by the
It was such a great experience and sooo much fun! We had to run 3 and half kilometres and along the way were obstacles such as tunnels, climbing and water. The water was sooooo cold, but it was worth it!
Although we didn't win, we won the award for the biggest group to enter, which was no surprise we had about 60 girls and the other groups had less than 10 :L
I really enjoyed it, and i would love to do it again sometime . Definitely an experience of TY i will never forget!!!
 Niamh xx

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Work Experience Number 2 :)

Well, my second week of work experience is over. I went to Morgan the Agency, a modelling agency in other words. The Agency is based in Dublin. In the mornings my dad would drop me in and i would get the bus home.
I enjoyed my experience :). It was different to what i thought it would be like. There are only two people who work there, however they are very busy most of the time. Working there i gained many new skills, especially IT skills because the work i was doing was computer based. I gained confidence when calling people on the phone and sending important emails and sorting out files on the models portfolio.
I really enjoyed this experience and i really feel like i got a real insight into the word of work!!
 Niamh xx

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Fighting Words :)

Well.. i know its kinda late but better late than never right?
Anyways a couple of weeks ago my class went to Fighting Words in Dublin ( which was set up by Roddy Doyle ). It was a creative writing workshop, our whole class worked together to write a short story. I really enjoyed it and everyone worked well as a team! :)
Day well spent!! We didn't get to finish the story, so now everyone does their own interpretation on an ending!
I think everyone had a good day :)
Bye x

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Drama Competition :D

Well this week we went to the Drama Competition in Mullingar :)
Its was great fun... my group were doing an interpretation of Seamus Heaneys Mid Term Break!
I was in charge of lighting and sound this meant that i got to go up to the light and sound room at the back of the theatre! It  was so much fun, i got to control the light and sounds for my play and i also had to help out with the light and sounds of another groups play :D i would love to do it again lets hope we get through to the final!! or another group from our school!!
bye for now :)
Niamh x

Thursday, 12 January 2012

We are now coming to end of our first week in school. To be honest it seems like we never left for the holidays.... although i do greatly miss the holidays A LOT!!  i had a great holiday with the family :)
Even though we have only been back a week a lot of things have happened or are going to happen. For example we got our pictures taken today :/ i hate pictures!! i always laugh or else my eyes are closed :L:L
Tomorrow we are going to the Young Scientist Exhibition!! i am really looking forward to this mainly because some of my friends are in it!! Best of luck to them and i hope they WIN !! :D Also next Monday my class and I will be going to a creative writing workshop not really sure what to expect but I'm sure it will be great! :)
Bye for now,
Niamh x